
Showing posts from October, 2020

Interlude: Peddling Away a Career

  2023 Reflection: My process of dealing with the trauma of being a diminished whistle-blower at the U of M, included (as I have noted) a sort of groping along in my career. I did a lot of bouncing around. Between 1985 and 1988, despite all of my efforts, all I could manage were three or more jobs in sales. I did all the workshops, read all the books. I studied very hard, to become a marketable professional in the corporate world. But for whatever reason, everybody seemed to think I would be good in Sales. But I didn't want to be good in Sales. In hindsight, I had become very good at job interviews (as long as it was a Sales job. If there were openings requiring fish to work where there is no water, I would be the top prospect). While I was in the middle of it, I kept a positive demeanor. I seemed to love situations where I could not, or would not, perform well. When I look back, from the purview of a recovering Anderson survivor, it all makes a lot more sense. Deep, deep down, I d...