
Showing posts from December, 2020

Some Politics

2023 Update: My entry into politics was intended to be the practical application of my vision. I absolutely believed that people need to be treated with dignity at the individual level. Regardless of viewpoint or background, we all need to be treated as if we matter. But, since 2020, we have seen, at the national level, entire focused campaigns waged from the top down, using major institutions to restrict people from asking legitimate questions and pointing out corruption in high places.  It's interesting how such laudable goals as giving everybody individual person a seat at the table is treated with such contempt. But that's how I was treated when reporting Anderson's irregularities (by the University of Michigan Regents and bureaucracy). That's how all of Nortel treated me (including the people I most trusted). That's how Michigan States University's Nassar whistleblowers were treated until it became politically incorrect to ignore them. But in different cont...